Daily(ish) UI - Design a Social Share Button/Icon


For funsies and a bit of inspiration, I’m posting some design challenges from DailyUI.com (although not particularly daily). These are meant to be conceived and executed rapidly. So I don’t spend more than two hours coming up with, creating, and publishing any of these.

DailyUI prompts are always quite vague, and this one is to “Design a Social Share Button.”

Thinking about the nature of sharing and where it might be used (perhaps an infotainment site like TMZ?), I created an icon capturing the desire to amplify things to one’s network with a megaphone.

Continuing to use these challenges currently to improve my knowledge of Figma, I animated a brief “on click” behavior using Figmotion. I can say, without a doubt, it’s one of the least functional animation tools I’ve ever seen. It’s supposed to subvert the need to use Principle, but it’s really no replacement.